How can you assure that beauty and the colour of structure will last long in future, that time & climate do not diminish.
By specifying metal coating system based on long life floro carbon coatings commonly known as PVDF (Poly Vinyladene Fluoride ) & Poly Eurathene coatings, such systems assure that the structure's original appearance will survive for many years with surfaces highly resistance to Sun's UV radiations and harsh atmosphere conditions.
Long term exposure to weather affects the appearance of coatings in several ways - colour change, gloss deteriorations, surface erosion that leaves a faded, chalky surface.
The rugged durability, the extraordinary wear resistance and the aesthetic possibilities of PVDF resin has made this the coating of architechts and designers around the world.
PVDF can be found on monumental, highrise, institutional, commercial, industrial, military and pre engineered buildings throughout the world.
It is appropriate for institutional use at school, hospitals, commercial structures, industrial application and shop fronts, Where longest life with minimal colour fading and chalking against weathering is required.
At ALUCOAT we precisely carried out these coating processes on conveyorized liquid painting lines with electrostatic guns to give best possible performance of the product.